Made in Berlin-Buch

FMP Labor

Excellent basic and clinical research in biomedicine and world-class biotechnology are hallmarks of Campus Berlin-Buch. The objective is to translate scientific findings as rapidly as possible in order to develop new treatments and diagnostic methods.

"Made in Buch" stands for high quality and innovation in the life sciences.

MRI.TOOLS GmbH: EasyACT -Triggering/Gating Device for MRI

MRI.TOOLS GmbH: EasyACT -Triggering/Gating Device for MRI

Precise images of the beating heart
Advanced cross-sectional imaging techniques such as CT, MRI or PET are not optimal for cardiac imaging, because of the blurring effect of rapid heart movements. Moreover, these techniques are not capable of providing real-time images. MRI.TOOLS has developed an innovative device called EasyACT which synchronizes the images based on the phonocardiogram.
Because it functions acoustically, interactions with magnetic fields and heat risks as well as shadows in CT or PET imaging can be avoided.   
The principle: The heart sounds are registered with a stethoscope, evaluated, and the information is passed on to the imaging devices.
The original idea comes from the group of Professor Niendorf of the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine. MRI.TOOLS GmbH was founded in autumn 2010 to transform the idea into a marketable product. In October 2011 the device was certified for use in clinical practice.

Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG: IsoSeed ®

Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG: IsoSeed ®

Targeted, gentle treatment of prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men. In Europe alone there are approximately 135,000 new cases annually. Brachytherapy has proved to be a highly effective and very gentle form of treatment for early-stage prostate cancer. Using a needle, millimeter-sized, low-level radioactive implants (seeds) are placed in a targeted area of the prostate. They provide optimal dose distribution in the irradiated tissue with minimal adverse effects on the surrounding organs.
LDR brachytherapy is highly effective, well tolerated, and is characterized by a short treatment time and a relatively fast physical recovery. LDR brachytherapy with medical products from Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG as IsoSeed® (individual seeds) or IsoCord® (seed chains) has been successfully performed in clinical practice for more than ten years.
Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG is the European leader in the field of permanent seed implantation and the world’s only provider of the complete range of brachytherapy products.

aokin: Rapid Kinetic Assay

Accurate rapid test to detect toxins in food
Mold can ruin entire crops. Some mold metabolites are highly toxic, and if undetected in food, can be hazardous to health.
Does the food contain mold or is it mold-free? Until now producers and distributors – in particular of products containing nuts, coffee, fruit or grain –had to have their products analyzed in elaborate lab tests to answer this question.
Thanks to aokin this procedure can now be shortened. The Berlin-based company has developed a precision rapid test for this problem. The test enables the food industry to carry out a precise mold toxin analysis directly on site and in just a few minutes.
Now the product quality can be reliably assessed immediately upon import or receipt of the goods. Thus, the rapid test helps to reduce costs – and to improve consumer safety.

T-knife: Targeted detection of tumor cells

T-knife: Targeted detection of tumor cells

The human immune system is trained to distinguish between “self” and “non-self” and to destroy foreign structures. By means of anchor molecules (receptors) of T cells, it recognizes antigens of bacteria or viruses and thus can target and destroy such invaders. Cancer cells, however, are the body’s own cells, which is why the immune system does not mount an attack but instead tolerates them. A research team led by Professor Thomas Blankenstein has now succeeded in genetically altering human T cells so that their receptors can specifically track and destroy certain tumor cells. More than ten years of research have thus been crowned with success. The start-up T-knife is now developing one of the first T cell receptor gene therapies in Germany on the Berlin-Buch campus using this technology.

Pjoto: David Ausserhofer / MDC

News living

State-by-state breakdown of COVID-19 in Germany

Researchers at the MDC have developed a new online tool that displays the development of the COVID-19 epidemic in Germany clearly and by individual state. The map and timeline showing the spread of th...

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Events Buch Berlin

22.10.2024, 15:00
VHS Pankow: Zugvögel und Herbstgesang rund um den Bucher Forst

Eine Vogeltour zwischen Bucher Forst und dem Naturschutzgebiet Mittelbruch: wir streifen dahin, wo die Gänse und Kraniche über den herbstlichen Wald ziehen und sie sich ihre Schlafplätze suchen.

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24.10.2024, 17:00
Autorenlesung: "Sofia Tolstaja: Die Frau an der Seite Leo Tolstojs"

Natalja Sharandak gibt anhand von Tolstois Tagebüchern und Briefen Einblicke in das Leben von Sofia und Lew Tolstoi und zeigt sie als kluge, sozial engagierte und literarisch begabte Frau. Die Lesung ...

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25.10.2024, 20:00
Scheunen-Party Ü40

Scheunen-Party in der Feste Scheune

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