University Studies
The research institutes and the hospitals in the health location Berlin-Buch offer students excellent conditions for PhD studies, research projects, internships and the completion of the practical year. The Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine offers two dual degree programs for Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Business Information Systems. At the Helios Klinikum Berlin-Buch, a dual bachelor's degree program in midwifery can be completed.
"Leibniz Graduate School of Molecular Biophysics" am FMP
The Leibniz Graduate School of Molecular Biophysics is coordinated by the world-renowned Leibniz Institute for Molecular Pharmacology. It is linked to the research institutes of the Leibniz Association, Humboldt University, the Free University and the University of Potsdam and offers optimal training in Molecular Biophysics.
The Leibniz Graduate School provides an optimal interdisciplinary research environment for doctoral students to complete their dissertations. The structured training program also includes lectures, workshops and seminars.
Dual study programs at the MDC
The Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC), in cooperation with the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR), offers one study place in each of two dual degree programs per year:
Dual Business Information Systems Studies B.Sc.
Dual Computer Science Studies B.Sc.
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Evangelische Lungenklinik Berlin (ELK)
As teaching hospital of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin, the Evangelische Lungenklinik Berlin (ELK) offers young doctors practical training in the fields of pneumology, thoracic surgery, radiology, anesthesia and intensive care. A rotation between the departments is possible.
Graduate program at the Leibniz Institute for Molecular Pharmacology (FMP)
The Leibniz Institute for Molecular Pharmacology (FMP) is one of the leading institutes in the field of basic research in drug discovery. The scientists study the interactions between active pharmaceutical ingredients and their target structures in the human organism. Using various technologies such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), the structure and functions of proteins are investigated. The close connection between chemistry and biology is a key feature of the research work conducted in the approximately 25 research groups at the FMP.
Graduates in the biosciences who are interested in molecular pharmacology regularly find job postings in all research groups to carry out PhD research projects. The FMP offers its PhD students an excellent, very broad-based training program that includes lectures, an orientation to research at the Institute and a mentoring project for the entire duration of the PhD studies. Key skills that are relevant to the subject are also taught. The program is conducted in close cooperation with the universities in Berlin and with the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC).
The FMP offers a unique graduate program in the research field of molecular biophysics: At the Leibniz Graduate School of Molecular Biophysics (see below) scholarships are granted on a regular basis.
HELIOS Klinikum Berlin-Buch
Practical year and clinical traineeship
Medical students can complete their practical year and their clinical traineeship at Helios Klinikum Berlin-Buch. As a hospital offering maximum health care, its more than 50 clinics and institutes meet the highest medical and patient-care standards. The departments, each of which has a comprehensive profile of medical services, are interdisciplinary, thereby ensuring a hiqh quality of diagnosis and treatment, particularly in specially certified centers.
The specialist hospital at Berlin-Buch, as a teaching hospital of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin, also provides training for students.
The midwifery degree program is implemented at Helios Klinikum Berlin-Buch in cooperation with the Evangelische Hochschule Berlin (EHB). The seven-semester, dual degree program in midwifery (B. Sc. of Midwifery) combines academic and professional training opportunities. The program concludes with the academic degree of Bachelor of Science as well as the state license to practice midwifery.
Midwifery at the EHB (
Immanuel Krankenhaus Berlin
Immanuel Krankenhaus Berlin offers patients state-of-the-art medical care with a focus on chronic painful and/or chronic inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The hospital provides special rheumatologic diagnostics, comprehensive therapeutic measures and closely linked outpatient and inpatient treatment.
International PhD Program of the Helmholtz Graduate School at the MDC
The internationally renowned Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) offers students a structured, comprehensive and interdisciplinary education in an international graduate program coordinated by the MDC, in cooperation with Humboldt University Berlin (HU), Free University of Berlin (FU) and the Leibniz Institute for Molecular Pharmacology (FMP).
In the field of molecular medicine, doctoral students at the MDC enjoy outstanding opportunities for research: More than 50 independent research groups work in diverse fields of cell biology and molecular biology, as well as in developmental biology, structural biology, genetics/genomics and bioinformatics/systems biology.
The curriculum includes joint seminars, lectures and internships; besides the specialist training, important key skills are taught.
Current Educational and Research Programs at the MDC:
- International PhD Programme Molecular Cell Biology
- International Helmholtz Research School Molecular Neurobiology (MolNeuro)
- International Helmholtz Research School Translational Cardiovascular & Metabolic Medicine (TransCard)
- BIMSB - NYU PhD Exchange Program in Medical Systems Biology
- International Research Training Group for Myology (MyoGrad)
Internships at the MDC and the FMP
The research institutes of the Campus, the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) and the Leibniz Institute for Molecular Pharmacology (FMP) offer students from various life science disciplines the opportunity of an internship – even including the completion of a bachelor’s or master’s thesis. Applicants should apply directly to the leader of the research group they are interested in.
Laboratory Intensive Courses in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology for Beginning Students
The Life Science Learning Lab "Gläsernes Labor" offers several one-week laboratory intensive courses in molecular biology and biotechnology for optimal study and professional preparation. The courses are recommended for those seeking to study Biotechnology, Biology and Molecular Biology and need a pre-study internship.
News education
From cell biology to CRISPR/Cas – new knowledge for schools
The Life Science Learning Lab at the Berlin-Buch research campus offers both school students and teachers the opportunity to immerse themselves in science. This year, the facility celebrates its 25th ...
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Grizzly bears in hibernation or a pineapple in an MRI scanner – at the “Science Day” at the “Robert Havemann” high school in Berlin-Karow, researchers from the Max Delbrück Center presented students o...
more ...Boost for Berlin’s biotech sector
Campus Berlin-Buch has a new start-up center: The BerlinBioCube was ceremonially opened on October 11, 2023 in the presence of the Governing Mayor.
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Tag der offenen Tür in der Kita CampusSterne! Von 9 - 11 und 14 - 16 Uhr
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